2 min readJun 1, 2018


I don’t think it is acceptable to attack people because you disagree with them. Women meeting in a public place to go to a meeting about women’s rights is not “provocation of violence”! Hold men accountable. That’s a 101 piece of advice which will help you in all future conversations with feminists. You started on a really bad foot by blaming women for men hitting them ….

Do women have the right to congregate and have a meeting together or not?

Regarding Speakers Corner:

You can watch footage of it here. In court, Tara Wood (the man who attacked Maria) was convicted of battery and had to pay a fine.

Re studies:

I agree there is not enough evidence to make evidence-informed laws. This is why I want to see robust evidence if any women’s spaces are going to have to accept [more] men who are legally recognised as female. I also think we have a right to female only space with no males at all. I think the right to female only space should be protected in law.

You wrote, “I know nothing of the proposed New Zealand legislation” and that is your cue to be quiet. I have outlined risks, particularly risks to women in prisons.

“There are issues which might warrant reasoned, evidence-based discussion…” Cool, so leave us be while we carry that on.

“… claims that they are going to undermine legal protections for women and girls are demonstrably false” well, we haven’t been able to ascertain that have we because you lot keep bullying women into silence, no platforming feminists and intentionally preventing reasoned, evidence-based discussion?

We know already in areas where there are one step self ID, men often manage to take advantage of it meaning women are disadvantaged. e.g. women have fewer opportunities to enter women’s only leadership programs when men who ID as women are accepted.

At the start you asked, “How many more times are trans-people going to be forced to wade through the same old flawed logic and false logic simply to defend our access to the same basic rights and freedoms that most cis-people take for granted?”

The answer to your question is: We will keep asking these questions until you provide an argument which stands up to scrutiny and you back that up with evidence. It’s on you to quantify outlandish claims like transwomen (males) are women (females) or that you can change sex by saying “I am a woman” if you are a male.

I am sick of transactivists circular logic, poorly designed proposed laws and outright sexism.

I reject gender and stand for the abolition of it — so fuck “cis”. Goodnight.




Written by Charlie

Feminist in Aotearoa NZ. I started NZ’s #CountingDeadWomen project.

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