1 min readMay 27, 2018


I’ve never read any articles by men explaining why women are wrong about things before, so thank you for taking the time to write this.

Speaking about ending harmful practices you wrote, “You do not have to supply “socially useful reasons for it” beyond that the practice hurts people — that is as much a socially useful reason as one can imagine.”

  1. Men (males) have higher rates of violence than women (females). This violence is often directed at other men and at women.
  2. Women and girls (females) simply do NOT display comparable rates of violence within our group, or towards men.
  3. Therefore, making spaces which were female-only (including rape crisis centres, women’s prisons, domestic violence shelters & women’s hospital wards) accessible to any male* knowingly places women at higher risk of violence.

I trust using your own reasoning, you agree that we must be cautious around proposed legislation which allows one step self declared legal sex changes because this practice puts women and girls (females) at increased risk of male violence.

As for the rest of the article, it’s obvious you’ve got hurt feelings and I hope you take care of yourself.

*Here I refer to any male who is legally recognised as female via a self declared legal sex change.




Feminist in Aotearoa NZ. I started NZ’s #CountingDeadWomen project.